Iv distances descending method

  Difficulty: Beginner   Keywords: Opening
Could the person writing this page please tell us what it is about: what is this method for, and when can one use it? Also, could they please explain the diagram titles, which I (PJT) do not understand?
If it is intended for private use, it would be better as a sub-page of a home page (but then it would be a good idea to log in with a user name).

ruf012: Many Thanks


 what is this method for

. This method emphasizes a development beginning in the center over whole the room,
. in contrast to corner-oriented openings.

 when can one use it

. It may be used as opening as long as possible.
. Until a deviation from the opponent, activates a own special reaction, not continuing Iv.

 explain the diagram titles

. Coordinates.
. The position in the left corner below is a1 above is a19
. right corner below is t1 above is t19
. in the very center is k10.

. Tian yuan.
. The Chinese k10 name is tian yuan.
. Possibly translated as daily begin.
. If there is such a name,this opening is obvious.

. 2D77((k10,d4),(k10,q4))
. In that diagram there are two distances(D) of length 77.
. From position k10 to position d4 and from position k10 to position q4.
. ..


. Song Dynasty (960 A.D. - 1279 A.D.) . qijing shisan pian
. translation in English . p.28 chapter 13 line 1
. 'On the game-board,
. the sides are not as important as the corners, and the
. corners are not as important as the centre.'

. Iv distances descending method
. 'Iv' read graphically, 'I' distance, 'v' descending
. if such a sequence is an optimum, then deviations may be weaker.
. A deviation or 2D21 activates special reaction.

. example

tian yuan, daily begin. k10  
distances 2D77((k10,d4),(k10,q4))  

Like a spider's web in half the sunshine.

Iv distances descending method last edited by on September 5, 2021 - 15:10
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