Isshiki Sato
一色 識央 (also Satoo) [1]
b. 1977-09-30
Retired Nihon Ki-in professional
Isshiki had a short career. He qualified as a professional on 1997-04-01 and was promoted to 2p in the same year, on 1997-07-09. [2] However, he was not promoted again, and retired from play in 2000. [3]
The only game of his that could be found publicly was this apparently undated loss to Han Zenki.
[1] He's actually called Satoo everywhere else. Perhaps that convention should've been followed here. Never sure whether to keep doubled Os.
[2] Dates sourced from his U-Go profile
[3] To be exact, his Nihon Ki-in profile lists his last career game as on 2000-05-17, against Nakayama Kaoru.