Ikedas Rule/wme

Sub-page of IkedasRule


This page is about Ikeda's Rule of Scoring in his proposed Area Rules III

  • For 'Ikeda's Proposed Rules of Go', please visit [ext] here
  • For a english translation of Ikeda Toshio's 'On the Rules of Go', please visit [ext] here
  • For a detailed commentary on Ikeda Territory Rules I by Robert Jasiek, please visit [ext] here

Ikeda's Rule is a recently created mnemonic for Ikeda Toshio's Area Rules III Rule 7'

For further information on their originating ruleset please visit '[ext] On the Rules of Go'

Mr. Toshio created Area Rules III and several other Rulesetsinsert footnote to Bill's nice comment about multiple uses natural language? in the pursuit to create a more concise and conclusive ruleset than traditional Japanese rules.

some other example here soon the go seigen game ikeda mentioned might be nice

  • Rule of scoring: A player's score is the number of that player's played stones plus the number of grid points in that player's territory. If the first pass was made by White, however, then 1/2 point is subtracted from Black's score and added to White's score. The winner is determined by comparing the players' scores.

The following points may help with application of the rule:

  • Ikeda's Rule refers to the very first pass of the game. (In most cases the very first pass of the game will occur as one of the two passes that precede the agreement phase. Yet should someone pass earlier it this earliest pass is refered to by Ikeda. See Pass Fights for more.)
  • normal territory komi should be used when Ikeda's Rule is used as White will be compensated for the one point more-value of black's first play if White passed first. (Commonly this denotes either a misjudgement of White or that Black got the last valuable(aka competetive) board play and thus had one more move than White over the whole game.)
  • this rule remedies the 'free mending in case of even dame' phenomenon and thus presents opportunity for more interesting play by punishing unecessary reinforcement of one's territory in the presence of an even amount of neutral points.

See also:


Ikedas Rule/wme last edited by Flower on March 3, 2007 - 06:39
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