Honinbo League

    Keywords: Tournament

(本因坊リーグ) The Honinbo League was the eight-player round robin (all-play-all) tournament to determine who the challenger will be for the Honinbo title in Japan.

Each year the four lowest-placing league members lose their places in the league. Their replacements are selected through knock-out preliminary tournaments, with the bottom finishers in the league seeded into the final stage. For example, in the 76th edition Sada Atsushi scored 2-5 in the league and was eliminated, then in the 77th edition he beat three opponents in the final preliminary and regained a seat in the league.

The loser of the title match becomes a league member for the next year's challenger selection.

The league was abolished after the 78th edition.

Honinbo League last edited by hnishy on May 29, 2024 - 07:36
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