
Sub-page of Hnishy

to show more than 10 moves (see How Diagrams Work):

  • a,b,c... to show small number of moves
  • use marks (circle,square,triangle,cross = C,S,T,M in the code) under (nearer to the edge of) the stones
    • triangle for B11 - W20, square for B21 - W30, etc.
  • or use short blue lines (for opening moves). 1 length = B11 - W20, 2 length = B21 - W30. touching stones share lines
  • Divide the board into parts
  • delineate the board (by lines or marks) into sectors and show order of sectors
    • lines should be slightly slanted not to cover numbered stones
    • # of moves in each sector must be even
    • alternatively, use arrows to show order and direction of play
    • may use smaller diagrams or thumbnails

Underlined: B11 to B15
B11 to W14: a to d
use B1 - W10 for local fights and....
circle: B11 - W20 cross: B21 - W30

Shuwa - Murase Yakichi Moves 1-30  

triangle: B11 - W20
square: B21 - W30


hnishy/Sandbox last edited by hnishy on July 17, 2024 - 05:24
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