

(by cloudbrows?, April 2015) I love when friends post games they've played online, but I found it frustrating that the conversation stopped there. The only way to respond to the game is to leave arcane comments like, "At move 151, I think k13 is a better alternative..."

So I created GoKibitz, a place to post games that allows per-move comment threads. You can browse through game records, comment on moves that interest you, suggest alternative variations, and ask questions.

GoKibitz can be embedded via iframe into blog posts, and it's easy to share links to specific moves and conversations.

We're still in alpha, which means that there are still a lot of changes, and there are still some bugs. But we have an active community of players already having great discussions about games. Come join us!

GoKibitz was first snapshotted in May 2014, but doesn't look like the site we know today until the second snapshot, in January 2015, with this article being made in April. The site could be regarded as a successor to the Go Teaching Ladder, which ran from 1994 to 2016.

It seems like GoKibitz does delete games every few years, so be mindful that it's probably not a place for long term archival.

GoKibitz last edited by hnishy on June 24, 2024 - 03:50
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