Go Club Utrecht
Keywords: Clubs & Places
Go in Utrecht, The Netherlands
The playing day is Monday, starting at 20.00-ish. The players range from 30 kyu to 4 dan, with the bulk from 10 kyu to 1 dan. Visitors are always welcome; beginners are given a warm welcome (there are beginner's courses twice a year and furthermore someone usually refrains from playing for the competition to teach, from what I've witnessed Jan). The Utrechtse Go club also organises a yearly tournament at the end of June.
The playing location is:
NDC Den Hommel Kennedylaan 9, 3533 KH UtrechtItinerary
The website is at http://www.goclubutrecht.nl
Members present at Sensei's Library: Jan, tsjanl, SuperMidget.