Get Strong At Being Weak
Keywords: Humour
This book is easy to read and understand, and is a very good introduction to the subject for all ranks. Recommended by the EGF, this book won two different prizes, none of which will be described here.
This Book teaches you how to :
- Find the moves that force the opponent to respond, thus killing or capturing a group of your own.
- Always get sente, so you can force your opponent into harming you instead of giving him/her free choice.
- How to kill dead groups.
- How to avoid forming live groups.
- How to trick your opponent to capturing even more stones than he/she had planned.
- Only for dan-level amateurs or stronger players : how to sacrifice a group by making it live, in order to lose a bigger group or even a complete moyo.
- How to avoid good shape.
- How to manipulate your opponent to allow suicide moves, so you will always have groups that can be
- Grolich: Heh, this "book's" name is a logician's nightmare...
If I actually got strong at being weak, what am I?
(Anyone ever tried to fail something, and succeeded? and then thought about what did the last sentence even MEAN?)
- Duh, it means you fail at failing.
- tywin: No, that would only be if you were trying to fail at _everything_, to fail at succeeding, or to fail at failing. Otherwise, you just successfully failed whatever you were trying to fail. The error lies in the failure to distinguish the endeavor at which one is or is not successful. An individual may be simultaneously successful in some ways and unsuccessful in others - in business, love, politics, and so forth - without any inherent contradiction. In all uses of the words, the endeavor under consideration must either be explicitly stated or implicit in the context. Stripping the words of their context without bridging this gap leaves the words devoid of meaning, and cannot result in a really meaningful logical dilemma. (Also, while a logician may have nightmares about this, he can at least ring enough words around it to confuse everyone else into thinking he still knows what he's talking about.)