Article I. Name
This is the Constitution of the Students’ Association of Grant MacEwan College Go Club (the Go Club).
Article II. Purpose
The purpose of the Go Club is to promote friendship and the growth of its members through playing, teaching, learning, and competing in the game of Go.
Article III. Membership
Section 3.01 Members
A Member of the Go Club is any person that
- 1. has registered with the Go Club for the current school year; and
- 2. has paid any dues, as may be set from time to time by the Executive, to the Go Club for the current school year.
Section 3.02 Revocation of Membership
Membership is revoked if in the opinion of a Special Assembly called for that purpose the Member has violated this Constitution or any Standing Go Club Rules.
Article IV. Governance
Section 4.01 Assembly
(a) Notice
Notice of an Assembly will be provided to Members no less than two (2) weeks in advance.
(b) Quorum
Quorum at an Assembly will be three (3) Members.
(c) Attendance and Voting Rights
All Members have the right to attend, and vote at an Assembly.
(d) Annual Assembly
Once during each school year, and within 14 months of the previous Annual Assembly, an Annual Assembly will be called by the Executive.
(i) Business at Annual Assembly
The business of the Annual Assembly will be limited to the following:
- 1. Executive Report
- 2. Amendments to the Constitution
- 3. Election of the Executive
(ii) Elections
The Election of the Executive will take place by plurality vote using secret ballot, with nominations from the floor.
(iii) Amendments
Amendments to this Constitution must be passed by a two-thirds majority.
(e) Special Assemblies
Special Assemblies may be called for a specific purpose by the President or any three (3) members.
(f) Procedure
Unless overridden in whole or in part by Standing Go Club Rules, Assemblies will use the procedures outlined in the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section 4.02 Executive
(a) Offices
The Executive is comprised of the offices of President, Vice-President, and Secretary/Treasurer.
(b) Authority
The Executive holds all the authority of the Go Club not explicitly given to Assemblies.
(c) Responsibilities
The Executive has the following responsibilities:
- 1. Ensuring the ongoing operation of the Go Club;
- 2. Maintaining an accurate list of Members;
- 3. Maintaining an accurate list of Go Club Standing Rules; and
- 4. Ensuring the Go Club’s compliance with
- a. This Constitution;
- b. Any Go Club Standing Rules; and
- c. Requirements of the Students’ Association of Grant MacEwan College.
(d) Vacancy in Office
An office is deemed vacant on the decision of a Special Assembly called for that purpose.
(e) Filling Vacancies by Appointment
Vacancies in any offices of the executive will be filled by appointment by the remaining officers.
(f) Filling Vacancies by Assembly
In the case that all offices are vacant, the Special Assembly that determines they are vacant may also elect officers to fill those vacancies.
(g) Power of Delegation
The Executive may delegate its authority in whole or in part to any Officer or Member, alone or in committee.
(h) Standing Go Club Rules
The Executive may enact, amend and/or repeal Standing Go Club Rules that govern the operations of the Go Club.