Favorite Moment 5


Ekberg: I have only played Go for a couple of months and haven't studied a lot of pro games. As a DDK I can't fully appreciate the sublime beauty of ear-reddening moves or ghost moves, but I know a good fight when I see one. And this game is awesome.

It is between Takemiya Masaki and Cho Chikun from the Quarter-final of the 43rd NHK Cup. It can be found as 1996-03-03.sgf at this site: [ext] http://www.xs4all.nl/~rongen17/Cho/

A semeai on the top must be decided in a ko fight. In move 186 white threatens to make black's big dragon in the center one-eyed.

Moves 185 to 188. B ignores ko threat.  

(Can anyone explain why this is a ko threat, i.e. what could Black do if White played W4 without W2?)

Should Black ignore this Ko threat and start a new, even larger semeai between the black dragon and the white one just above? Hint: to get the answer you have to read 120 moves ahead and end up with a difference of one liberty (or is it 1/3 when it is ko?)!

If black defends, white must ignore two ko threats where black can make points. As far as I can count, black will be ahead in points even if white wins the ko.

But Cho ignored the ko threat and took the ko.

The following semeai includes a large, exciting ko fight with only local ko threats.

Moves 310 to 319 (W resigned)  

My question is: Did Cho Chikun read this out, or was he gambling?

Possible continuation  

Favorite Moment 5 last edited by on October 11, 2007 - 18:12
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