Fast Company Advice

    Keywords: Strategy

This online [ext] FastCompany article offers some business strategy advice based on chess strategy. (Yes, I know. The C-word, the go world's F-word!) And guess what? It's interesting advice for go players too. Below are the main ideas.

“If you see a good move (idea), look for a better one.” (…) I have seen Gary Kasparov practically sit on his hands to keep himself from making a move. (…) There's one other misperception about chess: People believe that the better you are, the faster you should win. Chess doesn't work that way. When people tell me that they just won a game in three or four moves, I usually conclude that they're not a very good player—and that their opponent is a terrible player. Great players want to build their position and to increase their power—so that, when they strike, there is no defense. You can't do that in only a few moves. Trying to win a game in the fewest number of moves means hoping that your opponent is incompetent. I don't teach students to base their play on hope. I teach them to play for control. (…)

To Win Big, Think Different (…) From the beginning, Bobby Fischer operated at the cutting edge of ideas. (…)

Small Advantages Produce Big Results (…) you play for seemingly insignificant advantages—advantages that your opponent doesn't notice or that he dismisses, thinking, “Big deal, you can have that.” (…) one of two good things will happen: You just might be right, and you'll win. Or you'll be wrong, and you'll learn something. But don't be afraid to stand by your analysis. (…)

Mind Games Are Part of the Game (…) Players learn a lot about their opponent, and exceptional chess players learn to interpret every gesture that their opponent makes. (…)

Never Let 'Em See You Sweat (…) Making a mistake in the middle of a game can be a shattering experience. But exceptional players become skilled at maintaining an absolute sense of calm and confidence—at least outwardly. (…)

Mental Toughness Requires Physical Stamina (…) It's hard to muster mental energy if your body isn't there behind you. (…)

To Learn How to Win, Learn How to Lose (…) But if, as a young person, you can learn how to handle defeat, you can eventually learn how to win. That's one of the primary functions of a good chess teacher—to get students through the pain of losing. (…)

Fast Company Advice last edited by on October 29, 2013 - 22:51
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