Day of Amnes(t)y
Keywords: SL description
Day of Amnes(t)y is a way to handle complaint pages on Sensei's Library.
During the day of amnesty all complaints of the last year will be removed, and where possible proposals and petitions will be extracted. The relieved pages will then be ready for new complaints.
It was tested for the first time on 21 March 2010.
Proposals & Petitions
- Three proposals to make KGS a better place (all three are posted on KGS Wishlist/Social as well) - 2010-02-28
List of complaint pages
- 21 March 2010: Extracted Three proposals to make KGS a better place, deleted KGSWorstAdmin/Transcript01, KGSWorstAdmin/Transcript02, refreshed KGSWorstAdmin, changed KGSAdmins/Complaints in a page referring to KGSWorstAdmin.
- 21 March 2011: No proposals were put forward since 2010-02-28, so this year's day of amnesty is limited to refreshing KGSWorstAdmin (done on 18 March)
- 1 January 2014: No proposals were extracted, so this year's day of amnesty is limited to refreshing KGSWorstAdmin (done on 1 January)
For discussion of the "day of amnesty" proposal, please post your thoughts at p:6472. If you want to actually complain about someone, then use one of the complaint pages (listed above).