I start playing Weiqi in 1981 when I was in secondary school Form 1, some good 4 years after I learned Xiangqi and about the same time when I learned Chess. My secondary school was the only secondary school that was strong enough in played in Division 1 of Xiangqi tournaments in Hong Kong. With this great environment, I moved up quickly in all three games, always ended up in top 3 and represented my school in Annual Competitions. While in my freshman year a Korean graduate school student who is a strong gup level player and a Dan player in Taekwondo told me Weiqi "is too serious to be a game and not serious enough to be a profession", thus starts my profession as an IT software consultant and a amateur player. I still play causally, and enjoy reproducing old games (打譜) and going through Tsumego (詰棋) in spare time.