Changing One's Conceptions - Awaji's Aphorisms / Errata

These errata refer to 'First English Printing February 2008'.

p43, third paragraph.
Wrong: Within this sequence, for 81, black 1 in Diagram 15, extending, is what is Black really wants to do, but letting White play something like 2 puts the big group of stones in considerable danger.
Right: Within this sequence, for 81, black 1 in Diagram 15, extending, is what Black really wants to do, but letting White play something like 2 puts the big group of stones in considerable danger.
p102, third paragraph.
Wrong: When an opponent's stone is as close by as this, you have to play the more retrained move at "a".
Right: When an opponent's stone is as close by as this, you have to play the more restrained move at "a".
p131, first paragraph.
Wrong: Once again we have an aphorism appears that is related to "Play a big point if there is time."
Right: Once again we have an aphorism appear that is related to "Play a big point if there is time."
p139, diagram title.
Wrong: Problem 20 - White to Play
Right: Problem 20 - Black to Play
p149, diagram title.
Wrong: Problem 25 - Black to Play
Right: Problem 25 - White to Play
p151, diagram title.
Wrong: Problem 26 - White to Play
Right: Problem 26 - Black to Play
p153, diagram title.
Wrong: Problem 27 - Black to Play
Right: Problem 27 - White to Play
p158, second paragraph.
Wrong: The advantage of this move that Black is not solidified.
Right: The advantage of this move is that Black is not solidified.
p161, diagram title.
Wrong: Problem 31 - White to Play
Right: Problem 31 - Black to Play
p161, second paragraph.
Wrong: In go, when a large number of stones not working efficiently, the game is lost.
Right: In go, when a large number of stones are not working efficiently, the game is lost.
p163, diagram title.
Wrong: Problem 32 - Black to Play
Right: Problem 32 - White to Play
p165, diagram title.
Wrong: Problem 33 - White to Play
Right: Problem 33 - Black to Play
p167, diagram title.
Wrong: Problem 34 - White to Play
Right: Problem 34 - Black to Play
Wrong: Since black played the restrained move at 1, the opposite happened, White played at black's boarder with 2.
Right: Since black played the restrained move at 1, the opposite happened, White played at black's border with 2.
There is something wrong here, but it is difficult to pin down exactly what it is.
Awaji: "For 98, I did not fix the shape with the atari of white 1 in Diagram 15..."
Kataoka, not Awaji, is playing white in this game, and in Diagram 15, B2 should be at E12, not D12.
p229, fourth paragraph.
Wrong: In case like this, the main thing is to make sure you avoid losses when making ko threats.
Right: In a case like this, the main thing is to make sure you avoid losses when making ko threats.
p250, third paragraph.
Wrong: If you always run away life and death fighting, you will never get strong.
Right: If you always run away from life and death fighting, you will never get strong.

Changing One's Conceptions - Awaji's Aphorisms / Errata last edited by PeterHB on April 20, 2009 - 21:38
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