CGoban3 Offline Installation
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Also see /Discussion and CGoban3 Official Installation. Note that you should not send any question to admins about the methods described in the remaining part of this page or about problems you can have with those.
Macintosh, or Windows XP or earlier version of Windows
- Download the file
- Double-click on the downloaded file to start cgoban
- Download the file
- put cgoban.jar same folder with scripts
#! /bin/sh PRG="$0" while [ -h "$PRG" ] ; do ls=`ls -ld "$PRG"` link=`expr "$ls" : '.*-> \(.*\)$'` if expr "$link" : '.*/.*' > /dev/null; then PRG="$link" else PRG=`dirname "$PRG"`/"$link" fi done PRGDIR=`dirname "$PRG"`
cd $PRGDIR; if [ -z "$JAVA_HOME" ]; then JAVA_BIN=`which java`; JAVA_HOME=`dirname "$JAVA_BIN"`/..; fi; if [ -z "$JAVA_HOME" ]; then echo No JavaVM? Download at; exit 1; fi; $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -version; echo "Starting CGoban..."; $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar cgoban.jar
Ubuntu maybe other distributions
Install the latest Openjdk Java Runtime Environment.
Download the cgoban.jar. Open the downloads folder in the terminal.
To make the file cgoban.jar executable, we will use the “chmod” command as demonstrated below.
yourname@ubuntu:~/Downloads$ chmod +x cgoban.jar
Now right click wth the mouse on the cgoban.jar folder, open with another application, execute the file with OpenJDK Java 11 Runtime as the standard application.
Move the file from downloads to desktop. Right click with the mouse and open the properties of the file and change the symbol of the folder by a baduk picture you want.
- I am running Slackware 64 (current) and CGoban3 works just fine. I'm using desktop file to start the script
[Desktop Entry] Name=Cgoban Comment=Play Go against human or computer opponents Categories=GNOME;GTK;Game;BoardGame; Encoding=UTF-8 Path=/home/user/cgoban/ Exec=/home/user/cgoban/ #Exec=javaws Icon=goban Type=Application
- latest cgoban3 (2018/2/1) coredumps on my system; 100% all the time at the same spot; seems to be related to pulseaudio:
java: /build/openjdk-8-pZyJp3/openjdk-8-8u131-b11/icedtea- sound/src/native/org_classpath_icedtea_pulseaudio_Stream.c:755: Java_org_classpath_icedtea_pulseaudio_Stream_native_1pa_1stream_1flush: Assertion `operation' failed. zsh: abort (core dumped) java -jar /data/code/cgoban/cgoban.jar
ARCH Linux
NOTE: The following method is deprecated, simply install "cgoban3" from AUR.
ARCH linux: install openjdk and icedtea instead of sun-java, download the client cgoban from kgs and run cgoban.jnlp the first time.
NOTE: If you run into problems with the program hanging when the IcedTea? window pops up, make sure you have also installed the rhino package.
Then find the path for CGoban 3.desktop:
locate 'CGoban 3.desktop'
Copy CGoban 3.desktop to /usr/share/applications/cgoban.desktop (different file name):
sudo cp 'pathFromLocate/CGoban 3.desktop' /usr/share/applications/cgoban.desktop
Find the path to cgoban.jnlp:
sudo locate cgoban.jnlp
Then open with your editor cgoban.desktop, change/add: Exec=,Categories=,Name=
Exec=javaws -noupdate "/Path_to_cgoban.jnlp/cgoban.jnlp" Categories=Game;BoardGame?; Name=cgoban-noupdate
You can change cgoban-noupdate with your preferred name. Add in ~/.bashrc the PATH to: javaws and cgoban.jnlp, note: this set the path only for YOUR user, for other user you can add the PATH in the same way.
sudo locate cgoban.jnlp sudo locate javaws
leafpad ~/.bashrc
Change leafpad with your editor and add in .bashrc the PATH to cgoban.jnlp, javaws:
PATH="${PATH}:/pathTo_cgoban.jnlp/.../javaBin" PATH="${PATH}:/pathTo_javaws../.../java-7-openjdk/bin" PATH="${PATH}:/pathTo_javaws../.../java-7-openjdk/jre/bin"
Run file manager (pcmanfm usually) select the file cgoban.desktop from /usr/share/applications and change permissions as in CGoban 3.desktop.
Restart .bashrc or reboot
source .bashrc (to restart .bashrc setting PATH without reboot)
Then open the Menu Games and run cgoban-noupdate. (To update the client remove -noupdate from EXEC=)
Debian-based (So Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, PopOS, etcetera), Redhat-based (RHEL, Fedora, CentOS, etcetera), Arch-based (So Arch, Manjaro, etcetera) and others to a lesser extent (including at least OpenSUSE)
I've put a page describing the installer at
In short you just download the installer and run it. It may find missing prerequisites, in which case it'll advise you how to satisfy them and expect you to run the script a second time.
Windows Vista, method 1
- Do not have any CGoban installed.
- Have Windows Vista 32b installed.
- Have JRE 6_1 installed and JAR files being associated with Java.
- Allow <Java-program-path>\javaw.exe to connect to the KGS servers and ports (optionally: to the internet in general).
- Have cgoban.jar version 3.3.17 or later. You can get it from
- Create a directory for CGoban. Here we assume that it is X:\CGoban .
- Copy cgoban.jar to that directory.
- Create a desktop link to cgoban.jar in that directory.
- In the context menu of the desktop symbol, edit the destination and make it: "X:\Program Files\<Java-directory>\bin\javaw.exe" -jar X:\CGoban\CGoban.jar
- Optional: Create and assign a different desktop symbol.
- Optional: Coldstart Windows.
- Usage: Run the program by clicking on the desktop symbol.
- This method prevents the association of SGF files with CGoban3, and thus prevents CGoban3 from trying to make the association each time it is run.
- Insert your parameters X: and <Java-directory>. Don't forget the " " brackets around a program path including empty spaces!
- You might want to login Vista as a regular user and create a desktop link also there.
- Delete cgoban.jar from that directory.
- Delete the directory.
Windows Vista, method 2
- Do not have any CGoban installed.
- Have Windows Vista 32b installed.
- Have JRE 6_1 installed and JAR files being associated with Java.
- Allow %SystemRoot%\System32\javaw.exe to connect to the KGS servers and ports (optionally: to the internet in general).
- Have cgoban.exe version 2.6.12 or later.
- Have cgoban.jar version 3.3.17 or later. You can get it from
- Create a directory for CGoban.
- Copy cgoban.exe and cgoban.jar to that directory.
- Optional: Create a desktop link to cgoban.exe in that directory.
- Optional: Coldstart Windows.
- Usage: Run cgoban.exe.
- Some security experts think that having java-executables in the Windows directory is a security risk.
- This method prevents the association of SGF files with CGoban3, and thus prevents CGoban3 from trying to make the association each time it is run. This can also be achieved by using the official "no file association" install listed above.
- In the above, for %SystemRoot% insert your actual system root directory. Typically this is C:\Windows
- You might want to login Vista as a regular user and create a desktop link also there.
- Currently there are no plans of KGS of providing a cgoban.exe online or allowing its uploading elsewhere. Therefore you need to have already saved an old version or otherwise resort to another method.
- Delete cgoban.exe and cgoban.jar from that directory.
- Delete the directory.
Windows Vista, method 3
- Do not have any CGoban installed.
- Have Windows Vista 32b installed.
- Have JRE 6_1 installed and JAR files being associated with Java.
- Login to Vista as administrator.
- Allow %SystemRoot%\System32\java.exe to connect to the KGS servers and ports (optionally: to the internet in general).
- Have cgoban.jar version 3.3.17 or later. You can get it from
- Verify that %SystemRoot%\System32\cgoban.jar does not exist yet.
- Copy cgoban.jar to %SystemRoot%\System32\ . Confirm this action and then Vista's UAC question.
- Create a desktop link to cgoban.jar in that directory.
- In context menu | properties | destination of that desktop link, write: %SystemRoot%\System32\java.exe -jar cgoban.jar
- Coldstart Windows.
- Login Vista as administrator.
- Usage: Run the desktop link.
- Some security experts think that having java-executables in the Windows directory is a security risk.
- This installation method does not need cgoban.exe.
- In the above, for %SystemRoot% insert your actual system root directory. Typically this is C:\Windows
- Note that this installation method requires java.exe rather than javaw.exe, both in your firewall settings and in the destination. (You may block javaw.exe in your firewall.)
- The desktop icon has a Java symbol instead of a CGoban symbol. You might want to create your own symbol and set it in context menu | properties | other symbol of that desktop link.
- Running has the side effect that also the cmd window is opened.
- You might want to login Vista as a regular user, create a desktop link also there (using the analoguous procedure for that), and later run the program as that user.
- Again, no association is made between SGF files and CGoban3.
- Login Vista as administrator.
- Delete the desktop link. Confirm this, if necessary.
- Delete cgoban.jar from %SystemRoot%\System32\ . Be extremely careful to delete this file and not accidentally some other file instead. Confirm this action and then Vista's UAC question.
- Optionally: Block %SystemRoot%\System32\java.exe in your firewall.
- Coldstart Windows.
- A setting of your firewall is not specified. As an unofficial commentary, it is recommended though to set some conditions suitable for Java.
- The command javaws can be run with the option offline if that's any use for paranoid types
- for Vista and Win7, sgf file association is possible via "DefaultProgramsEditor" ( command: open, program: javaw -jar "C:\|path|\cgoban.jar" -edit "%1" (just replace |path| with the correct path to cgoban, and leave everything else as it is, incl. the quotation marks)
- using CGoban by .jnlp-file connects url-calls in the client to the default browser, while using java -jar cgoban.jar does not open urls in any browser.