This site should be a log of about 2 bad moves in every game i played:
Black should answer white's approach with a pincer (B?). If black plays the keima at X, white settles himself at the bottum, at that point black will be forced to make the small approach at A.
I have been studying a lot of low approach joseki. Simply because I hardly ever use them. I am trying to study them more hoping that I will start to appreciate them. :) And actually I do. The more I read about them, the more I want to use them. And today I commented a game where I thought: "Here that certain move would be nice". This means it actually is starting to pay off.
Usually in this situation I simply play A or B. an attachement like C is not really my taste. But tonight I noticed a cool variation that might change that in future.
This result isn't good enough for white. his 2 stones at the bottum are at the waste of the bamboo. ==> not efficient.
There is some resemblance with this joseki. However, here A is a big point for both players. In the joseki we just discussed that isn't the case.
Earlier I wrote that move 7 is something really great that I didn't see before. One important thing to remember maybe, is the low position of the sequence. This wouldn't work in the hoshi version of the joseki
In the hoshi sequence black would play the same way and then extend with 9, giving white an even worse result !
While updating some old accounts on KGS I played a very cool game with a 5k player called FlowerKing. Our game had a lot of cool joseki sequences that you see often in pro-games, but I did not fully memorize yet. Some exceptional variations these are. There was a lot of reading involved during the game to play out these variations. But I feel pretty satisfied seeing I did reasonably well. Allthough there are some improvements:
Against the high pincer I played the magical sword of blablabla. But then instead of the usual variation of A, he played the one of B. (A joseki not seen very often, imho something you should play only when you are strong at the opposing corner.)
The usual joseki continues with A. But after A, I would have expected black B to be dangerous, so instead I decided to take B myself. The situation converted to the joseki afterwards.
The situation continued like this. The situation looked better for me. After the game we discovered that black 6 was actually a mistake. Black should have played at 9 !!!
Allready refusing to play A earlier, I also refused to defend here. There just was a more important point imho. So I tenukied again. The following sequence followed...
This variation is big: It is not only sente(!), but it also leaves some danger around A. Next I could reduce the influence with a keima in the top right corner, next give white the choice to defend at A or take the big point (the one I tenukied for in the real game).
This is the kind of move I play very often in several of my games. I know I am "supposed" to play A. ... I need to play forth line because it wouldn't fit with my previous moves.
The thing is A has sooooo many weaknesses. And B covers all of them. while the difference in influence isn't so important here.
Every time I play this in games I always get the same remark "Blablabla, you are supposed to play forth line". To all of those I would like to point out that the situation above is a game between Cho Chikun and Yoda Norimoto.
white defended against with . looks like nice shape but seems to abuse it anyway, as black can cut with . White next sacrificed his stone by playing at a.
In the game black plays the given sequence. I don't like the result though. Imho the variation of a looks a lot better. In the game it looks like black wants to avoid white building up a wall and therefor black took his chance to play 3 himself.
I am writing this down so that I will never forget it again.
The marked white stone is not played in sente in this sequence. The black pincer stone was at the perfect spot.
Pfff ... my rank keeps dropping. Actually if you look at my rankinggraphs you will see I was growing a lot till september. And since then Ive generally been dropping on all my accounts. This is what school does to Belgian Go players.
I clicked my first moves a bit too fast maybe... I believed the following situation was advantageous for me: looked advantageous for me at first sight. A looked like the logic approuch here and after that I would start the taisha with B. C seems logic. But the ladder that is involved will work for me. See below.
wA will trigger bB,wC,bD,wE,wF,bG. Well ofcourse black didn't play like this. Instead he played B. The answer I expected ... but it is a joseki I actually havnīt played in about half a year. :)
The Result: I expected A, but Instead he played B. Totally unknown territory for me. Now that I look back on it C looks the right answer on first sight. But my mind was still thinking in terms of ladders and I played D. But either way. I believe playing taisha was the wrong idea here. Even If black played A I would have felt at a disadvantage. Remember, both top right and bottum left are white.
This game started out great. I played a wide range of different joseki that imho seemed all very promising. There is one thing however that I regretted:
should have been at A. The thing is, When I was playing at the bottum right I should have read out the next 9 moves. On the other hand you could also say that wasnīt good. Playing C there would fit the upperleft corner. Either way later on I regretted it. At the top left I had to extend low because of . (Later on he invaded with B and I messed up. At that point I was sure of my mistake earlier.)
After some searching I found the same situation in a pro game. (Oh Gyu-cheol 6p vs Jin Jixian 3p) Oh played like I did. But at the top he decided to play C. I should have played it like that.
I have played a lot in situations like this lately. And very often I regretted . The large amount of territory is nice, but the situation at the top is very hard to deal with. and often I decide to ignore it and play a move like A-D later on. So I should more often grab the chance to play it myself, just to see if it really is that good. :)
By the way, I believe for an even result black should be able to play e instead of . Concidering bottum right is allready mine, that means I'll end up in sente again if he plays like that. And that certainly isnīt the biggest point on the board.
(Maybe I made it a bit too easy for black in the game.) I'll try to keep this as a reference for the next time i play it. And have to remember whenever bA, then wB :-)
Allthough I lost this game, I am glad I was in it. I felt I played a lot stronger. I lost because of time. But I was allready behind at that time because of the time pressure.
I have been reviewing it after the game. And to be honest It is really hard to find my mistakes. Maybe I should ask somebody stronger to take a look at it.
The first move that looks like an obvious mistake is move . I tenukied too fast, and right after I clicked, I saw a sequence that could have killed my group. :s (My opponent didn't, so the game continued without problems) The next one was move B105 where I defended while it wasnt actually necessary, but that was a 6seconds decision, I didn't have more time. Then move B119, this one was pretty bad too. Again an unnecessary move, But I had 8seconds/3moves left. I made some more mistakes, but it is really all a matter of time pressure. None of them are worth a diagram here.
An easy victory. I made some mistakes, though, and this is a very big one. If you become too greedy for sente, you can become blind.
I played it like this in the game ... And after that I left it along for a long time. Later on white invaded at A. It was very careless to leave it like that all game. Now that I look back on it, I am surprised I did.
He attached to the strong side instead and then he ended with the atari. A and B seem to be miai now.
According to I should play like this. I should not play the tsuke of a, but play atari with 9. (Note that 4 isnt captured here yet. The net doesnt work. But if white tries to get out, then the marked stone will get in trouble.)
There are 2 options for black. He can either play or E. E seems to give white the corner and huts black to the center. (White would respond to E with G) In my humble opinion 1 would be more natural for black. White will probably respond by playing 2, allthough a move at F is possible too here. Either way black is alive in the corner. Much later when white plays A, black answers B and white plays C again, Then black has to add a move to defends his corner, for example D.
I was quiet happy about the opening. I got surprised by a couple of joseki I hadnt seen in ages. But all together I lost because I made 2 or 3 very careless moves in the middlegame:
First of all , the marked stone you do not see that often. But he surprised me completely with move . I should have drawn back to 2 I think. I pushed at A (careless) and ended in gote. Later on I got the chance to continue with to . So I was happy to have the cut at B.
In the middlegame I was tricked badly after an invasion I played a bit careless. :-) I resigned shortly after.