answering the 1-1 play
Keywords: Humour
Here is a database search, if you've ever been puzzled by your opponent's occupation of the 1-1 point.
Clearly White's answer at the 2-2 point is the WidestPath/BestPathDiscussion.
Search results
16 matches (10/6), B: 25.0%, W: 62.5% Ba: 2 (0), B0.0% - W50.0% Wa: 2 (2), B50.0% - W50.0% Wb: 2 (0), B0.0% - W100.0%
Charles Yes, just ignore it. An April 1 joke.
unkx80: Oops I did not notice it. Sorry. =P
OneWeirdDude: Gee, it's little wonder I lost when I played on the 1-2 point and... Uh, never mind.