Alwin Ralph Jubango
The Great Alwin Ralph Jubango
mother of all AugsburgGo jubangos.
alwin ralph
== 4 : 6 ==
Game 1: alwin(b) ralph(w) b+
The marked move was questioned by sensei fabi. But a quick research showed that this move is in fact played in pro games sometimes, although it was not very successfull most of the times. ;-)
Game 2: ralph(b) alwin(w) b+ (resign)
Ralph started with his favorite joseki in the upper left, but abondoned it on move 11 to deny white a sanrensei.
favourable for black
favourable for white
Move 5 in the diagram was a big mistake. Black should have won the semeai
(not so) skillfull reduction of the white moyo ...
... leads to final defeat ;-)
Game 4: ralph(b) alwin(w) b+1.5
Move 7 should have been an approach in the lower left corner.
Move 1 is a good invasion point and 2 is the wrong answer. White 3 would have been better. Game is now favourable for black.
Game 6: ralph(b) alwin (w) b+ resign
The combination a,b,c would have been a game. But see the different actual continuation.
Move 5 at a or b would have been interesting.
Now black pushes from behind. No! No! No!
Number 9 is a risky pincer and leads to a tough fight.
An interesting cut:
Black uses his overwhelming center influence to reach a balanced game.
Game 7: alwin (b) ralph (w) w+ resign
Now a questionable move 2 on the left side. A shimari in the lower right would have been the way to go.
The attachment 6 should have been under the black stone.
Game 9: alwin(b) ralph(w) b+
The lower left is much more important than the upper right
A Joseki mistake but Black didn't punish it