4-4 point low approach three-space low pincer 3-3
The joseki
This is joseki. Black keeps white low, and is ideally placed.
Timm(10k): Is it conceivable for black to cap the approach stone immediately ?
tapir: Yes, but it is a completely different thing then... see 44PointLowApproachCap
The overplay
tderz: Black a is now the needed move.
Either due to Black's confusion with a standard san-san-invasion without surrounding stones, OR due to greed, wanting to press White lower, Black sometimes plays inferior b.
However, due to the presence of , Black should not play b as in
the plain 44Point33InvasionJoseki, otherwise ...
The Cut
Black should not play
This diagram here demonstrates very bad tactics, Black splits himself.
The result is considered very good for white.
tderz: Also the strategy is bad & wary - if Black wanted to be consistent after his initial mistake , he could push further on with
is the so-called squeezing out the toothpaste-tactic
(pushing the opponent from behind - very inefficient for oneself).
The Clamp
tderz: in the mildest form, Black's overplay simply settles in an ordinary aji-keshi exchange -
which is bad due to loss of
- 1 ko-threat,
- 1 liberty and an
- 1 attacking option at p.
tderz: and
are miai - for White!
This means that White is safe in either variation,
but Black is worse off in what derives from here now:
tderz: is a tesuji - but to no avail, as the simple good move
makes miai, again, of the captures at a and b.
tderz: If the tesuji above did not help, vulgar ataris do not do either.
After the black stones are captured.
The Cut - part (2)
Black should not play
tderz: Right at the start of Black's overplay, White can also consider to lure greedy Black into a trick variation - by playing c herself first.
tderz: This would be a safe continuation for both - it even occurred at least once in professional play.
tderz: Especially in handicap games, please note the exchange -
such a continuation with the block , followed by cut
is more likely & frequent.
tderz: After the vulgar atari and cut-protecting tigermouth
White is much better of than in any standard variant.
tderz: Unsatisfied about above prospects, Black might consider here, having a ladder in mind.
Immidiate breaks a ladder and captures the three blocking stones.