4-4 point low approach high extension, slide, pincer
This page deals with the joseki that exist after in this diagram. The main variation of the joseki requires a ladder; if the ladder does not work, black has to play a less common variation.
With , black is trying to get outside influence in exchange for white territory in the corner, and the most common variation for white is to get along with black's plan with
, then play
to create aji.
For white to run out with the marked stone when the ladder does not work for black is a big threat, Thus, usually black will capture with at an early stage. Black in turn can somewhat close off the left side by exchanging
If the ladder does not work for black, setting up a position with is most common. White creates aji with
, then stabilizes her group with
. If white plays tenuki with either at those moves, black will aim for the black a-white b exchange again. After
, black c is thick but slow.
If the left side is important, white might play here instead of a. After black stabilizes the upper side with
, white can continue at
or play tenuki. White a- black b - white at
- black c - white at
has also been played. Another possibility is
at d, black 2, white e, which is slower but more solid.
With , white turns the tables on black, now it is white who is most likely to take the influence. However, this move requires a ladder.
White , white sets up the ladder, but to take it immediately would be wrong and give black more territory than he is entitled to. White first forces with
before playing the ladder with
. White has succeeded int taking influence, but black's corner is not small either.