Main Tournament


The Main Tournament is a 10 round McMahon open tournament with long time limits. This tournament is also used as the European Championship? which is not an open event.

There are 5 rounds in each of the two weeks. The first week uses Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. The second week uses Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. There is a prizegiving ceremony at the end of the first week and at the end of the congress.

Note that Wednesdays are excluded and are used for optional Excursions or for Special Go Events. The middle weekend is for the Weekend Tournament. Note also that most players will want to stay for 15 nights Saturday to Sunday and this affects the Accommodation.

It is very rare for the first round to be able to start at the same time as the remaining 9 rounds. A nominal 2 hour difference is often quoted and occasionally 5 hours required. See suggestion below...

Tasks for the Big Tournaments

Round 1 suggestion

At Prague 2005, where rounds 2 - 10 started at 10:00, it was planned to start round 1 at 14:00. Due to problems with the super group, the draw was not ready until 16:00.

Why not aim to start the dan player games at 14:00, but quote the kyu player games as starting at 16:00. That way if the super group is causing problems, you will only have the dan players waiting around. The kyu players can be enjoying other things. If the draw is done successfully, then the kyu games and the dan games will end at the same time.

The Problem is not only the supergroup but getting all players into the pairing program.

In Villach 2007 the people showed up quite late and as a organiser you want as many people playing as possible - so there's always a delay cause in the moment the pairings are ready another one shows up and wants to play in the 1 st Round.

There's no program where you can do the registration AND the pairing with the same data in a convenient way !!!!!!

Main Tournament last edited by ArnoHollosi on August 7, 2014 - 17:33
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