Forum for KGS Wishlist

Ratings [#856]

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reply Ratings (2007-01-26 20:51) [#3024]

I have a proposition, for more easy know when you going to up the rank: for example for be a 10k you need 20.000 points, a win match is 100 points and a lose match is -100 poits, in a match without equality for example a 17k vs a 20k without handicap,the 17k win the match only win 70 points and the 20k only lose 70 points , the 20k win the match win 130 points and the 17k lose 130 points.

blubb: Re: Ratings (2007-01-27 02:32) [#3026]

That sounds much like the Elo rating system. It has the advantage of being simple and easily understandable, but it is not very good at balancing winning chances.

Your result against a player with a well known strength tells more about your strength than a result against a less definitely ranked opponent. Also, if a former opponent of yours turns out to win a lot (i. e. to be stronger than estimated at the time of your game), that makes your recent win against that opponent more significant.

Elo does not take account of such influences. KGS uses a more advanced rating algorithm that does.

See also RatingSystems and Rationales behind rating systems.

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