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How should I run a very informal ladder? [#822]

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WillerZ: How should I run a very informal ladder? (2007-01-04 22:44) [#2913]

We've just got a new team room at work, which has a few board games available already. I'm planning to add 9x9, 13x13 and 19x19 go to the existing collection.

However, the mix of skill levels is pretty wide: some, like myself, have a fairly good idea of their ranking in the wider world; the vast majority will be beginners; and there's a fair sprinkling of people who've played a bit and probably fall into the 18-25kyu range.

I'd like suggestions for a simple scheme that I can use which should ideally have the following properties:

  • Gives ranks which are generally good-enough to work out a handicap.
  • Allows me and others with a well-known external rank to act as fixed points (or at least fixed-ish). This is so that the others can tell roughly where they are if they feel like going to a real go club.
  • Copes well when the majority of the games are 9x9 and 13x13 rather then 19x19. Tea breaks tend to be short.
  • Isn't too complicated to explain and maintain.

Any recommendations?

X Re: How should I run a very informal ladder? (2007-01-05 00:10) [#2916]

This: [ext] http://www.geocities.com/goswanseaweb/ladder.html might be what you are looking for.

Or try this: UpperValleyGoClub/Ladder

Or search for "club ladder" for more.

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