Forum for Unusual Materials

Marble stones any good? [#821]

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AlexWeldon: Marble stones any good? (2007-01-04 19:25) [#2907]

On the main page, it's mentioned that sells marble stones, and Yutopian used to. Yutopian no longer sells them and has them heavily discounted.

Has anyone used these stones? Were they removed from Yutopian and discounted on for a reason? Do they chip, for instance, or scratch the goban? Or are they simply not big sellers because people are suspicious of them for no good reason?

I already have some decent bi-convex yunzi stones, but I'm in the market for a set of single convex stones, and if marble stones are nice, I may grab a set at go-gamestore since the price is so low.

blubb: Re: Marble stones any good? (2007-01-04 20:31) [#2910]

I've once seen them being used, and (on another occasion) talked with a Chinese who was familiar with them. I also considered a purchase but decided to take Yunzi instead. Beside the independent arguments pro Yunzi, I abandoned my ambitions for two reasons:

  • marble stones are rather glossy, which can make prolonged play taxing the eyes a bit.
  • even though there was no clear evidence, some hints suggested that child work might be involded in their production, which I wouldn't like to fund.
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