Forum for Farid Ben Malek

Information about hi pro certificate [#7634]

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kmr: Information about hi pro certificate (2019-05-20 00:44) [#11374]

Guys this looks like a bunkum (i dont want to offend anybody,but it looks super suspicious).

Shidoin certificate? Wut , is that typo of shodan?Or rather poor trolling? If he really got pro certificate, how the hell we know about it only in 2018? Also this diagram looks like a trolling - is that B2Bomber kind of?Also link is ofc broken.Adding this up - if we dont get some confirmation, i would rather delete this suspicious info, but if its true, i am deeply sorry already.It pains me that i contest someone pro certificate.

Uberdude: Re: Information about hi pro certificate (2019-05-20 11:16) [#11376]

John Fairbairn explains: [ext]

kmr: Re: Information about hi pro certificate (2019-05-20 11:19) [#11377]

Excellent, so i will update page.

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