Forum for Tamsin

High-level game featuring "No Fuseki Go" [#747]

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SteveKroon: High-level game featuring "No Fuseki Go" (2006-11-13 14:23) [#2392]

Hi there.

I read your comment about "No Fuseki Go", and thought I'd point you in the direction of at least one high level game featuring something like that. Victor Chow, the strongest player in Africa, reached the last 16 of the IGS Rapid championships last year. He used this strategy against a 6-dan Japanese pro, and managed to secure a win. One important point about playing this way is that you've got to be cmofortable with using influence effectively (which obviously also means you've got to be able to fight well). The game, with commentary by Victor, is available at [ext]

You can also get commentary from a 1-dan, and also some other of his games featuring influence-based fusekis at [ext] . Good luck, I hope the links turn out to be useful.

reply thanks - that was interesting (2006-11-13 14:57) [#2393]

Tamsin: Thanks for this Steve. It seems that Victor Chow was using the no fuseki way to create a situation in which White has played 6-4 in every corner. I know from watching his games as RoseDuke that he likes to play 6-4 as an opening move.

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