Forum for Go Books

GO book library [#6222]

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reply GO book library (2018-08-07 21:55) [#11150]

I have a huge GO book library, many in Japanese, how would I go about selling them? My Dad started playing in the 1960's and collected books.

X Re: GO book library (2018-08-08 02:18) [#11151]

People have sold off go book collections here on L19, for example DrStraw. Some English books are collectors' items, Segoe's Go Proverbs for example. These books sell well. Routine Ishi Press or Kiseido books sell depending on the price asked. You could test the water on the "Trading Post" forum. Japanese books are harder to sell in the West, I think. You might be able to sell them on Japanese Yahoo. To help you could make a list of what you have and the prices you want so interested people can see. Re: GO book library (2018-08-08 06:42) [#11152]

Try the lifein19x19 forums or contacting the American Go Association (AGA).

Uberdude: Re: GO book library (2018-08-08 12:39) [#11153]

Lifein19x19 link: [ext]

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