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3-4 Point High Approach, One Space Low Pincer, 3-3 Attachment, Atari [#3861]

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reply 3-4 Point High Approach, One Space Low Pincer, 3-3 Attachment, Atari (2017-04-24 16:12) [#10942]

I would appreciate thoughts on the below since I don't see this variation in the library and feel I did not play optimally. I recently played a game where black played the cut on the inside and then played Atari instead of crawling (see this sequence under the "Atari" heading here: [ext] http://senseis.xmp.net/?34PointHighApproachOneSpaceLowPincer33Attachment

As white, I played the normal response with an extension to "2", but black responded with 3 instead of playing at a.

The result was this with white to play:


As white I responded with Atari at 4 ("b") and ended up with a small living group in the corner, plus the two weak looking stones at 4-4 and 5-4 on the outside, and feel the result could have been better for white (black to play in final diagram)

X Re: 3-4 Point High Approach, One Space Low Pincer, 3-3 Attachment, Atari (2017-04-24 17:41) [#10943]

Uberdude: You should simply turn at 4, now a and b are miai so you capture one of the cutting stones for a great result. Resist the urge to always atari.

better 4 Re: 3-4 Point High Approach, One Space Low Pincer, 3-3 Attachment, Atari (2017-04-25 16:21) [#10945]

Thank you Uberdude! Can you confirm my read below? (and thanks for educating this double-digit kyu - I really appreciate it)

I think the key piece I was missing was that I was concerned that after 4, black could play 5 at c or d and short white's group to two liberties , and I would lose the capturing race. What I think I was missing is that if black plays 5 at c or d, white could then atari with 6 at e, black would have to extend the cutting stone out to a at 7, and then my group's liberties are no longer short because I can capture the stone played at 1, leaving white free to play 8 at b.


After black extends to a with 7, white can play 8 at b and capture the black group on the left regardless of whether black played 5 at c or d.

5 at c  
5 at d  
tapir: Re: 3-4 Point High Approach, One Space Low Pincer, 3-3 Attachment, Atari (2017-04-26 09:34) [#10947]
Careful - ko might be inconvenient  
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