Forum for Variants

A variant with mobile pieces which is more faithful to the spirit of Go [#3264]

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reply A variant with mobile pieces which is more faithful to the spirit of Go (2016-08-07 22:53) [#10755]

It is my belief that the variants listed and linked on this wiki which include mobile pieces do not, if at all, restrict them in a way which is very faithful to the spirit of Go. I have not found these restrictions, in those variants where they exist, to be in a way which is very faithful to the spirit of Go on these points: 1. Pieces are "un"limited, or if limited, limited in wrong ways as to where they can move on any turn 2. Pieces are unlimited as to how soon they can first move Therefore, I have come up with these following restrictions to make the concept of mobile pieces as faithful to the spirit of Go as possible: A. Pieces may move up to two steps along grid lines only if unblocked by enemies, but not to atari or kill those otherwise surronded by as yet unmoved allies B. Pieces may not move so as to reorient existing connections or resume their immdeiately previous positions C. Pieces may not move for at least the first two turns

X Re: A variant with mobile pieces which is more faithful to the spirit of Go (2016-08-08 14:28) [#10757]

Since I did not complete the rules before saving the post: C. …and must stay still for the next turn after being newly placed D. Newly placing a piece and reusing an old piece do not rule each other out

reply ((no subject)) (2017-02-19 02:17) [#10908]

Here are two options for making the stones mobile: Pieces may move, not mutually exclusively with their placement, up to six spaces along grid lines with the following restrictions: A. No leaping over pieces of the opposite color B. No surprise capture or atari of pieces of the opposite color C. No rotation of connection shape or return to immediately previous position D. No move next turn after placement E. No two moves on the same turn Or pieces may move, not mutually exclusively with their placement, one space along grid lines or push or pull pieces of the opposite color one space along grid lines with the following restrictions: A. No pushing or pulling of a greater or equal number of pieces of the opposite color A1. No capture of pieces of the opposite color by being pushed over the board edge or of pieces of the same color by being pulled over the board edge A2. No pushing or pulling straight lines longer than seven stones or bent shapes in a single move B. No surprise capture or atari of pieces of the opposite color C. No return to immediately previous position D. No move next turn after placement E. No two moves on the same turn

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