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Is my home IP banned on the wiki? [#3239]

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CoraJR: Is my home IP banned on the wiki? (2016-03-24 15:55) [#10700]

I have been just starting to learn Go and really appreciate Sensei's Library as a resource, but for some reason can't access it through my home internet (getting "ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED" from the server). I can connect using this laptop anywhere else, though. Is it possible that my home IP address has been caught in some overly general ban?

edited to add: My home ip is in the 73.38.57.xxx subnet.

tapir: ((no subject)) (2016-03-24 16:26) [#10701]

Doesn't seem likely (it is not listed among blocked IPs) ...

When I am actively using Random Pages for an hour with my account and log out and keep using it I occasionally get banned (as bot) because I loaded too many pages, but such bans are short term to keep out bots.

CoraJR: Re: ((no subject)) (2016-03-24 18:08) [#10702]

Thanks! It's very mysterious as I've not once been able to access the wiki at home. I suppose it must be something on my end...

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