Forum for Western Ex-insei

Why not include Western Ex-Insei who turned pro? [#3234]

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Tokumoto: Why not include Western Ex-Insei who turned pro? (2016-03-21 01:19) [#10689]

Not 100% sure but it does not seem Joanne Missingham was ever an Insei anywhere, while many of Western Professionals once were. Have there been some reasons why pros are excluded from this Western Ex-Insei list?

Iepur: Re: Why not include Western Ex-Insei who turned pro? (2016-03-21 07:34) [#10690]

The pros have their own page.

Tokumoto: Re: Why not include Western Ex-Insei who turned pro? (2016-03-21 07:47) [#10691]

As I quoted above, I know that, and so do many of non-pro ex-inseis. So not having their own page cannot be a good reason why ex-insei Western pros are not included in this list. Don't we want to have an accurate list, or is this list meant to be "Western Ex-Insei who didn't make it to pro" ?

tapir: Re: Why not include Western Ex-Insei who turned pro? (2016-03-21 10:26) [#10692]

Own page as in Western Professionals and it just emerged as "ex-insei that didn't turn pro" when some turned professional and we moved them from one list to the other. It is a wiki, however, so if you feel strongly about this just re-add the ex-insei who turned professional (say with insei times and time of admission as professional) or add the insei times to the professional list.

Tokumoto: Re: Why not include Western Ex-Insei who turned pro? (2016-03-22 02:58) [#10695]

Thanks for the explanation. That historical background as the reason makes sense. I'll leave it as is for not cluttering the lists for now.

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