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IGS automail and PANDA-glGo kludge [#319]

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reply IGS automail and PANDA-glGo kludge (2006-02-25 21:37) [#1110]

I'm sorry for taking up two questions, but since they are somewhat related to the fact that I'm returning to IGS after a long time away, I'm going to ask them both at once:

1. Has anyone had the problem of getting the glGo screen to turn all red, and then not be able to get the board to come back? I've recently had to resign games because I was unable to get my board back properly. I try reducing the screen and bringing it back, but this does not work. I can't close and reopen the window. Is there a solution, or will I have to find a new client?

2. Is there any way to get my games automatically e-mailed to me, especially as SGF attachments? As it stands now, the automail command won't work for me, so I have to get them sent to me one at a time. When I do this, it comes as a text file that I have to painstakingly convert in CGoban. Is there a way around this?

Thanks in advance!

X Re: IGS automail and PANDA-glGo kludge (2006-02-26 06:50) [#1111]

I figured both out on my own. Thanks anyway! Re: IGS automail and PANDA-glGo kludge (2006-05-15 04:07) [#1572]

The multi-game observation red board has been a problem with glgo through numerous versions and on various Windows operating systems. I have never found a solution, other than reloading the games.

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