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Suggested merge with [Point Ranking Scheme At Tokyo Go clubs] [#3156]

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Tokumoto: Suggested merge with [Point Ranking Scheme At Tokyo Go clubs] (2015-06-09 13:43) [#10541]

Thank you for the suggestion to merge with Point Ranking Scheme At Tokyo Go clubs. Although I was active on Wikipedia, I am new to Sensei's, and don't know how best to coordinate with the editor(s) of the other article. Could you point me to some leads, guidance, etc.? FYI, the Tokyo Go clubs article shows a completely different scale/table.

HermanHiddema: Re: Suggested merge with [Point Ranking Scheme At Tokyo Go clubs] (2015-06-09 14:48) [#10542]

The process at Sensei's is a lot less formal than WP, feel free to do what you think is right. :)

The Tokyo article is more of a personal experience report than a real article, which is why I suggested merging it into this one. It would have to become a bit more generic, but the differences between the systems seem to be mostly about the number of points per handicap stone (this article has 12, the other mentions 15 and 18). I would suggest taking anything you feel is of value from the other article and mentioning it here, then editing the Tokyo article to turn it into an Alias of this page.

Tokumoto: Re: Suggested merge with [Point Ranking Scheme At Tokyo Go clubs] (2015-06-09 17:37) [#10543]

Thanks Herman. I decided to reference the Tokyo article as a variation of this system. Hope you don't mind me removing the merge suggestion template from the article. Please give me a note here if you see other points that can be improved.

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