Forum for Western Professionals
Professionals of the European and American Federations [#3076]
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Professionals of the European and American Federations
(2014-10-28 11:57) [#10279]
Is there any good reason to not include in this list the professionals of the European Federation? I am refering to Ali Jabarin (Israël) and Pavol Lisy (Slovaquia) who were awarded the grade of 1p by the European Federation in June 2014, and who recently demonstrated that they are actually at pro level by winning official matches against japanese professionals... Same question for the AGA professionals.
Re: Professionals of the European and American Federations
(2014-10-28 13:16) [#10280]
It's a wiki. Do first, discuss later.
Re: Professionals of the European and American Federations
(2014-10-28 14:11) [#10281]
-snip- Yes. Both ought to be added to the table.
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