Forum for Fan Xiping and Shi Ding'an

webarchive link [#3066]

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tapir: webarchive link (2014-09-14 12:24) [#10244]


I am not sure whether you noticed the editing comments, if so please engage, you are one of the major editors in SL and it feels weird that you do not react at all, yet still revert.

John Fairbairn, the author of the linked essay, expressly stated "MSO articles by me kept online are there without my approval." (p:10226) It is then in my opinion a matter of courtesy to take down such a link.

This does not implicate you in any wrongdoing for the fault clearly lies with webarchive, yet given the opportunity to right a wrong, we should do just that.

Best regards, Tapir.

X Re: webarchive link (2014-09-17 07:12) [#10246]

Anonymous: Sorry, I don't usually participate in the discussions; thus, I didn't see the author's request.

However, it wasn't the only reason I was reverting the page:

1. The edit combined the primary works of the authors (Fan Xiping & Shi Ding'an) with secondary and tertiary sources. The latter should remain separated and the works of the authors, whom the page is about, should be located in the main body of the article.

2. The references page was moved to the middle of the article and footer line/section separator was removed. This actually resulted in two problems. First, the references were no longer part of the footer nor the first part of the footer, and second, the entry became one, large wall of text.

3. Reference/Citation numbers were formatted inconsistently. Either:

Place the number in parentheses or in square brackets without superscript; or
Use a superscript (a number above the text line, as for a footnote).

After you choose one, they should be consistent in the body and footer of the article. I believe using superscript for the reference numbers creates the most readable and professional format given SL's font and layout.

tapir: Re: webarchive link (2014-09-17 09:06) [#10247]

1 and 2 conceded. It is not, however, inconsistent formatting. See: TextFormattingRules#toc8

Create links to footnotes with [#1] or any other number (i.e. square brackets + hash + number), and precede the footnote itself with [1] (i.e. square brackets + number).

It is not even about formatting, if done the proper way they link to each other (you can see this in a longer page such as Jowa) and you can conveniently link directly to the footnote from another page.

OscarBear: New task needed? (2014-09-17 16:25) [#10248]

Should we have a library task along the lines of "Remove the web links to John Fairbairn's MSO work"? I'm sure there must be a few others lurking somewhere in the library

tapir: Re: New task needed? (2014-09-17 17:49) [#10249]

As if anyone is guided by library work tasks in his editing. I removed quite a few of them already, more may still lurk around, you are invited to help. Removing all the other defunct mindzine links in the process is useful as well (I count 72), most of them were never tied to an archived version, some more are not by JF and other links in old discussions are probably not worth the effort. Just type: "" in the Advanced Find Page and you are set for the afternoon. Afterwards another weekend can be spent happily with links :)

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