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Full sized boards: completely solid? [#2943]

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reply Full sized boards: completely solid? (2013-11-18 02:53) [#9886]

I've been looking at making my own board, and even though I plan on making a table board, when talking with my uncle who is planning on giving me a hand, he commented that if I wanted to make one of the big boards, it wouldn't be much harder because they're probably just a box (as in they're somewhat hollow). He's never played go nor seen a go board, but when he said that I started to think. Having never seen a large floor board, much less had a chance to pick one up and gauge its weight, I find myself questioning whether they are hulking, heavy, solid pieces of wood, or if they're all a large hollow box where the playing surface has the same thickness as a table board. Can someone tell me more about this?

X Re: Full sized boards: completely solid? (2013-11-18 13:29) [#9887]

They are completely solid, except for a small indentation (heso) in the bottom.

reply ((no subject)) (2013-11-19 02:31) [#9888]

Ah yes, the small unfinished pyramid. Thanks

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