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Becoming shodan is easy (maybe) [#2897]

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reply Becoming shodan is easy (maybe) (2013-06-21 21:22) [#9686]

Yuanbo Zhang, chinese 4d, started weiqi at the age of 6. He was 4 dan by the age of 8. He then stopped studying weiqi and obviously stopped improving. Even though he still plays for fun today. I asked him how he did it and he said He did 3 things: 1: tsumego, more precisely a book by YOSHIO ISHIDA with 100 tsumego. This is the only tsumego he did. "study this book until you can do this 100 problems at a glance and you will be a 3 dan player" he told me. 2: play games, lots of games, but... 3: before you play the next game, you must review the one you just finished, etheir with your teacher(if you have one), with your opponent or by yourself, period. "you WILL make mistakes in your games, but if you don't see your mistakes and try variations in your games, you will never improve". Now, I'm only 11k kgs after 7 months of playing weiqi, but I think this is good advice. What do you guys think? Luissousa

tapir: Re: Becoming shodan is easy (maybe) (2013-06-21 21:47) [#9687]

People are different and children even more so. I agree, that it is good advice - the point about reviews and acting on your mistakes is spot on. I am pretty sure, however, with a set of 100 problems I would know the problems by heart soon ("solving at a glance") instead of actually solving them. Re: Becoming shodan is easy (maybe) (2013-06-21 21:58) [#9688]

Well, he did point out that "at a glance" is reading quicker, not knowing the problem by heart (he said to always read problems in the games even if you do know them by heart).

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