Andy Pierce originally posted the following on /MyStudyPlan, but I moved it here since I don't like comments on my pages.
"Get Janice Kim's very accessible Learn to Play Go series of books (start with Volume II). That will easily suffice to get you out of the "beginner class" on IGS and will get you to around 7k-9k on KGS."
To Andy: Have you read my page /BooksIPlanToBuy? Do those books contain anything of value not found in the other books on my list? They look like they are very broad in scope. I've read through SL beginner study section and I'm currently reading The Second Book of Go. Knowing that, if you think I should still purchase the series, where do you think I should add it to my list?
If you are playing at online double-digit kyu strength, you should move Janice's books to the very top of your list. If you're already single-digit kyu strength, they could be lower priority, but still good to be sure you didn't miss anything.