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Simple Tsumego from an Android app. [#2752]

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reply Simple Tsumego from an Android app. (2012-02-05 22:25) [#9255]

I'm Feylias, and it's been a while since I've had a page here. I'm getting weaker at go and when I play, it's as "Mallowpeep" on KGS.

I'm currently futzing around on the Android applet "Android Go Problems" and I found this in the "easy" section:

White's turn. Android Go Problems Pro v0.7, (c) Mike Konkov  

So this was what the program wanted.

What am I missing? White looks dead to me and her move looks pointless. This doesn't even create a ko fight. Unless I was using this as a (suboptimal) ko threat I'd tenuki.

HermanHiddema: Re: Simple Tsumego from an Android app. (2012-02-05 22:39) [#9256]

You are correct, white dies like this.

White should play the 1-2 point for ko.

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