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Reducing the ruleset to a minimun [#2628]

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reply Reducing the ruleset to a minimun (2011-09-06 04:42) [#8749]

If the idea of the variant is to be reduce the go ruleset to a minimun, you should chance this rule:


  • opponent's win, if a player places a stone so that it
   is the only stone to be immediately removed by rule 4. "


  • opponent's win, if a player places a stone so that it
   is one of the stones to be immediately removed by rule 4.

The idea (well, you could say that its only my idea of it) behind that is that the minimun idea behind go would be:

A 2 Players game where the player add stones to a table with grids. After the player place the stone on the board, if some string is not adjacent to at least one empty intesection, it is removed from the board.


Players add stones to the board, one after another. Game has simultaneous capture rule. (rules dont forbit simultaneous capture).

If you remove the stone you placed on the board on your move by a simultaneous capture or by suicide, you lose (If you dont add some stone to grid you are not following the game idea that is to add stone to the board {you only placed a stone on the board, not added it} and so you lose, also rules dont forbid suicide). Players cant pass (rules didnt created the pass rules). If some player resign the other win.

X Re: Reducing the ruleset to a minimun (2011-09-08 17:23) [#8766]

ADDING more stuff. The "basic idea behind go" text, say nothing about komi rules. So this would problably means it doenst exist??? You would need come with something to explain how you got komi rules. Also it doenst explain who start first. It also say nothing about board size. You would need to come with some idea to choose board size from the "basic go idea" text. It also say nothing about ko rules.

Better worded idea I posted before:

Rule 1: Prerequisites.

 The game is played on a grid of lines. There are
 two players, one having black stones and the other having
 white stones.

Rule 2: Game play.

 The players alternatingly place their respective
 stones on empty intersections.

Rule 3: Strings.

 If a stone is adjacent to another stone of the same color,
 these stones are said to belong to the same string. A stone
 that is not adjacent to any same colored stone is a string by

Rule 4: Capture.

 Immediately after each some player put some stone on the board,
 before the next turn, every string that is not adjacent to at
 least one empty intersection, is removed from the board.

Rule 5: End of the game.

 The game ends in
 * opponent's win, if a player resigns
 * opponent's win, if a player places a stone so that it
 is one of the stones to be immediately removed by rule 4.
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