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Question: Wei River Valley [#2509]

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reply Question: Wei River Valley (2011-02-16 20:50) [#8310]

According to my understanding of the history of weiqi it originated during the Zhou Dynasty in the Wei River Valley. Did the *Wei* River influence the name of the game?

I need to reread some documents but I think I read somewhere that this river was always flooding and that weiqi may have been originally conceived as chart of controlling flow (qi/liberties as they are).

Unkx80: Re: Question: Wei River Valley (2011-02-16 21:26) [#8313]

I know nothing about the history, but from the pronunciation alone it is unlikely unless historical literature show otherwise. The 渭 in 渭河 is fourth tone while the 围 in 围棋 is second tone. 围 means to surround, and from what I can find, 渭 is used as a proper noun. So their meaning are different. Re: Question: Wei River Valley (2011-02-16 21:52) [#8316]

Ah, thank you! I am learning about tones right now. I’ll follow up with the items in question though, as I thought it was at least interesting.

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