Forum for The Great Joseki Debates
The Japanese original book? [#2084]
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The Japanese original book?
(2009-12-06 12:04) [#6670]
In the Go world article series, it says that the articles have been translated from "Gekkan Gogaku". I've done some research and found a description of a Japanese book that might have been the source.
I've tried to translate it but am still a beginner at Japanese, so please correct any mistakes:
- 別冊月刊碁学
- この局面にピッタリの定石は?
- 定石と布石の相性診断
- 九段本田邦久
translates to
- Supplement monthly Go school
- In this situation, what is the sharp joseki?
- Compatibility diagnosis of joseki and fuseki
- Honda Kunihisa 9-dan
Translations of individual kanji that are not simply Go terms:
- 別冊 (BESSATSU) separate volume, extra issue, supplement.
- 月刊 (GEKKAN) monthly publication.
- 学 (GAKU) learning, scholarship, erudition, knowledge.
- 局面 (KYOKUMEN) checkerboard, aspect, situation.
- ぴったり (pittari) exactly, neatly, sharp.
- 相性 (AISHOU) affinity, compatibility.
- 診断 (SHINDAN) diagnosis.
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