Forum for Picture Template

License, author, caption, alt. Opinions? [#1707]

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HermanHiddema: License, author, caption, alt. Opinions? (2009-01-13 14:49) [#5639]

I have added these parameters to the template. Is this an acceptable way to use these parameters? Doe people agree with adding these parameters?

tapir: Re: License, author, caption, alt. Opinions? (2009-01-13 15:21) [#5641]

The whole picture should be in a box, when a caption is added. I prefer adding the license information without showing it.

HermanHiddema: Re: License, author, caption, alt. Opinions? (2009-01-13 15:31) [#5643]

I have considered putting the whole image im a box before, and would prefer to do it that way, but the problem with that is that SL hass certain rules about breaks that are nasty to boxes. For example, on the great wall page, the image is now to the right of the main diagram. But boxes are not allowed to be next to diagrams, so if we put it all in a box, then the image+caption will either be entirely above the diagram or entirely below it.

I think it looks nicer with the image next to it, but now the caption is far away.

I have no idea how to fix that :(

Regarding license and author: i would also prefer not to show them, but I don't know what the legalities are surrounding those copyright things. Right now, we hardly ever credit anyone, and are probably in violation of copyright on many pages. This was an attempt to start to fix that, by crediting authors and showing licenses, which allows us to use Wikimedia Commons, Flickr, etc. I think this part of the discussion is better left to the copyright page...

tapir: Re: License, author, caption, alt. Opinions? (2009-01-13 15:49) [#5645]

A short link [A|Author] and [L|License] may be enough for that purpose. I don't mind showing the author in full, but for the license I prefer such a link or hidden information.

HermanHiddema: Re: License, author, caption, alt. Opinions? (2009-01-13 16:16) [#5646]

I have now given it the format (Image By: Author name (license)), where either is optional.

EDIT: Ok, did some more work on it. See all the examples at the bottom of the picture template page. Author & Licence will now always be on the same line, which should be reasonably short.

tapir: Re: License, author, caption, alt. Opinions? (2009-07-02 22:42) [#6181]

The examples are nice, except the stones are not really CC-BY, no?

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