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Looking for a Pocket PC [#170]

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reply Looking for a Pocket PC (2005-11-18 03:13) [#511]

I am looking to purchase a Pocket PC that will run all of the sotware on the PPC section of SL. I've never owned one before, and I'd like to find a cheap one.

Any suggestions?


antere: ((no subject)) (2005-11-18 08:08) [#513]

I went on a PDA hunt after seeing this thread since I'm also interested in using PDA to record Go games played at clubs. I happened upon this on ebay: [ext] http://cgi.ebay.com/FACTORY-SEALED-HP-Reconditioned-Jornada-547-Pocket-PC_W0QQitemZ5831121738QQcategoryZ38331QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

It looks like it should be modern enough to run all of the software on the SL PPC page, but then don't take my word for it since I'm a complete idiot when it comes to PDAs (never had one or touched one in my life). But the price seems too sweet.

Any PDA geek care to give some advice to two PDA newbies? ;)

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