Trying to access a blocked page from a public computer. tried several proxy pages along with a few other methods. havn't been able to find anything yet. any suggestions would be greatly apreciated.
What is a blocked page? What are proxy pages? What is the exact error message? If it says something about "referrer" read the AccessBlocked page.
i had the same when i tried to use my bookmark to: . my guess is that it is meant to repell spam-bots and their friends. i'm not convinced that this is the proper technical answer, though.
I've recently started to log referrer and user agent information to come up with alternatives. A preliminary check shows that the referrer check is quite effective and that other measures will not be easy to find. I am thinking about a better way to handle the user experience though.
Meanwhile, all you need to do is set a cookie - see bottom of AccessBlocked page.