Forum for Guo Bailing

Admired by Go Seigen? [#1638]

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xela: Admired by Go Seigen? (2008-11-30 05:54) [#5328]

I seem to recall reading somewhere that Go Seigen greatly admired Guo Bailing--but I can't remember the exact quotation or the source. Does anyone else know of this?

reply ((no subject)) (2008-11-30 11:44) [#5329]

Mahasattva: I think you may be referring to Go Seigen's admiration for Huang Longshi, the late 17th century player, whom he described as being 13 dan! There is a good article on Huang Longshi in Mindzine by John Fairbairn. Guo Bailing was a great master of an earlier era but I am not aware of Go Seigen comments on him. Nevertheless, he would have studied his games as he was steeped in the chinese tradition of the weiqi masters. Hope this is of assistance.

xela: Re: ((no subject)) (2008-11-30 12:11) [#5330]

Thanks. It most likely was from one of John Fairbairn's articles, so probably my memory is incorrect and you are right.

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