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Visiting Nihon Kiin [#1538]

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reply Visiting Nihon Kiin (2008-08-28 16:25) [#5038]

I'm visiting Tokyo between 9-13 September and happily have a free day before travelling on. I am planning to visit the Nihon Kiin out of general interest but wonder if this is likely to be "productive" as I don't speak Japanese. Do they have anyone speaking English, French or Italian (my three languages) so that I can ask questions about their bookstore or the Yugen no Ma, the special match room.

Does anyone have any experience of visiting the Nihon Kiin? Suggestions gratefully received!

X Re: Visiting Nihon Kiin (2008-08-28 16:33) [#5039]

Most educated people in Japan have at least a rudimentary grasp of English so you will most likely find someone there who can help. There is an "overseas" department at the Ki-in with people fluent enough in English to conduct business. If you want a tour it might be a good idea to phone ahead so a guide could be available. Re: Visiting Nihon Kiin (2008-08-28 16:47) [#5040]

Many thanks! I will try to arrange a tour and will also post a report on SL if it is successful.

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