Forum for Bang Neki

nothing more than yet another variant [#1506]

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axd: nothing more than yet another variant (2008-08-02 11:45) [#4938]

Why isn't this listed (read: "tucked away") under Variants? Note that I'm aware that it takes only a simple edit action to do this.

Go has more than enough beauty, dragging in money just stains the game. I have the impression that it is usually newcomers who have barely grasped the rules that start looking for variants. Or are stuck at their level, and need a new challenge.

This form of Go should never be promoted, because the spirit is wrong: Go should remain unlinked from money and gambling, even if it stimulates aggressive play. This variant should live its miserable life in some dark, remote corner. Want to get rich? Go play poker, or participate in Go tournaments, give lessons. Or play the Lotto.

Let's imagine that this variant becomes the standard... Look at poker: it is hard to find anyone who believes poker can be played without money. Can you imagine a situation where the "original" Go has gone down the drain because some bookies are stimulating the development of this variant?

X Re: nothing more than yet another variant (2011-03-09 02:24) [#8353]

This form of Go is actually not different from participating in tournaments... You pay to enter, and you gain money if you win. It seems obvious to me that it can't be compared to poker, as there is no luck involved.

tapir: ((no subject)) (2011-03-10 13:11) [#8359]

Bangneki is a much bigger phenomenon culturally than "three colour go" or "electric go" or 99.9% of all those variants, so deserves special treatment.

reply Games are not religions or ideologies. (2024-09-26 17:23) [#12513]

Some games may have aspects of either or both. Games satisfy one thing for humanity, which is the need to play games. If people want to gamble or create variants with the equipment they should, it's not hurting Go or its community.

The argument has been made that the 52-card poker deck took the beauty and meaning out of Tarot. But of course, tarot was a game before it was a "spiritual thing" or alchemical divination tool. Playing cards came first. I would not be surprised if you found that gambling and Go have been together for a very, very long time.

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