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Why can't black play one space to the left of A? Can we show a refutation on the article? [#14655]

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MagTreeLine: Why can't black play one space to the left of A? Can we show a refutation on the article? (2023-12-21 18:28) [#12349]
Second L+1 group  

Why can't black play one space to the left of A? Nick Sibicky famously played the intuitive move (to the left of A) earlier this year and I don't see the refutation (since I'm just an SDK). It would be nice to show why that move doesn't work on the article.

xela: ((no subject)) (2023-12-27 00:18) [#12350]

Good question! Yes, black can play there and live, but playing at a is slightly better. I've added an explanation to the article.

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