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(Enhancement) Diff view [#1446]

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ArnoHollosi: (Enhancement) Diff view (2008-07-05 10:16) [#4822]

(moved from main page)

I perceive the "diff in page" view as a remarkable enhancement to the "standard diff" view, because the context of changes is shown entirely and correctly. However, there´s a disadvantage: in big pages, it´s a little awkward to find relatively small changes - although highlighted -, and even harder in cases the changes are spread over the whole diff. Wouldn't it be possible to add floating "jump to next/previous change" buttons, or (supposingly more realistic to be implemented ever :)) make two SL Shortcut Keys working that way?

Arno: Unless I add Javascript this function will not work - and I am not too keen about that. Maybe I can think of something else.

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